NGC 7380

Instrument: Takahashi FSQ106 refractor (4-inch aperture). Camera: Modified Canon EOS 350D (internal IR rejection filter removed). Filter: Astronomik IR cut (2-inch diam.) reject the excess of IR light (I do not use Halpha filter for this session). Exposure: Stack of 18 x 600 s at ISO200. The conditions are very severe: bright suburban sky and four days after full moon (the naked-eye limit magnitude is about 3) !

The original files are RAW (.CR2). The white balance coefficient are R:1.38, G: 1.00, B: 1.23. Iris is used for remote control of the 350D (via QuickRemote USB interface), autoguiding and processing. The processing is minimal: dark frame subtraction, flat-field and gradient removal were applied. A slight logarithm look up table modification is used for enhance nebula images. It is all.

NGC 7380
Visible / Infrared band comparison

R + G + B - Canon 350D - Exposure 9 x 600 s

IR  (5x500 s + 9 x 300 s) + R (9 x 600 s) + B (9 x 600 s) - Canon 350D
A RG10 filter is used for taken the IR channel.

R + G + B

IR + R + B

An intense IR source is in this field: IRAS 22450+5829 at AD: 22h47.1 - DEC: +58°45' (2000). The dark cloud is LDN1200.
Date of acquisition for the RGB image: September 20, 2005. Date of acquisition for the IR composite image: September 26, 2005.

IR, R, G, B channel images of IRAS 22450+5829.
