NGC 281 & ABELL 2

Optic: Canon 400 mm f:5.6 L. Camera: Modified Baader Canon 350D (Halpha pass filter - see here) at ISO800.  Mount: Takashi EM200.
Exposure: 24 minutes (12 x 2 minutes). Processing: Iris software. Observatory: Pic du Midi (altitude 2860 meters, french Pyrénées). Date: July 26, 2006.

The diffuse nebula NGC 281 (SH2-184) and the small planetary nebula Abell 2 (PK122-4.1). Image sclaled by a factor 0.5.

Crop of the Abell 2 region (Magnitude = 16.3, size = 36"). Original scale of the EOS 350D image.
