and Astronomy
Welcome to Christian Buil home page
Novae spectra
Supernovae spectra
Symbiotics stars
Peculiar stars
Hot and massive stars
Variable stars
Quasars and galaxies
Be stars
Comet spectra
Gaseous nebulae spectra
Collection of stellar classes
Chromospheric active stars
Ca II infrared triplet
tau Boo exoplanet
Exoplanet observations
51 Peg exoplanet revisit
Sun chromosphere
High resolution spectra
Nova Delphini 2013
Io satellite sodium cloud
Io sodium cloud
Galilean satellites
Spectrum of some liquid
Lithium in stellar atmosphere
AB Aur time resolved
Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2)
Spectrum of Mercury planet
Asteroids spectra
Historical and recurrent novae
1680 supernova remnant
Jupiter near-infrared spectrum
Messier 42 nebula spectrum
NGC 76635 spectra
How to extract NGC 7635 spectrum
Faint Be stars
Observe spots on star’s surface
Var C in Messier 33
Stephan’s Quintet spectrum
Deep-Sky IR (CW Leo)
Spectrum of 1990 total eclipse
2006 solar eclipse : polarisation
2006 solar eclipse images
Spectrum of Outters 4 nebula
Bright star spectra
RR Lyrae pulsations
RR Lyrae time resolution
RR Lyrae 2014 session
Some spectra of asteroids
Spectra of historical and reccurent novae
AB Aurigae
Active galaxy and quasars redshift
Measure galaxy rotation
NGC 6888 spectrum
Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)
DQ Her time resolution
Observation of Outters 2 and suburban conditions
SN2011fe 94- cm St Caprais telescope
June 8, 2004 Venus transit
Color images of the Moon
DSRL Wide Field Survey
Multispectral polarimetry
Sky pollution
Copyright (C) 2024 Christian Buil
Web : www.astrosurf.com/buil