RR Lyrae
25 / 07 / 2012 maximum

Animation of 33 spectra taken from 24 July 2012 20:35 UT and 25 July 2012 2:17 UT.
Celestron 11 telescope - Lhires3 spectrograph equipped with a 600 g/mm grating and 23 microns slit - Atik314L+ CCD camera.
The spectrograph is tuned on Ca II ultraviolet doublet. Elementary exposure time: 600 s. Castanet-Tolosan observatory. ISIS software processing.

Aspect of ultraviolet RR Lyrae spectrum near minimum light intensity.

Aspect of ultraviolet RR Lyrae spectrum near maximum light intensity.


2D dynamic image of 25 / 07 / 2012 maximum.
Note the H delta fast and quick decrease intensity, probably during the shock wave event in the star atmosphere.
