SN 2012A in NGC 3239

R.A. = 10h25m07s.39, Decl. = +17°09'14".6 - Type IIP
Discovered 2012/01/07.387 by B. Moore, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett at V = 13.6 -
CBET 2974  

2D image of SN2012A. The supernova seem embedded in a faint emission nebula (note also the faint trace of NGC 3239 spectrum in the upper part of the image). (exposure = 16 x 600 s - V = 13.7) (exposure = 13 x 600 s - V = 13.7) (exposure = 13 x 600 s - V = 14.1) (exposure = 11 x 600 s - V = 14.2) 

SN 2012au in NGC 4790

R.A. = 12h54m52s.18, Decl. = -10°14'50".2 (2000.0) - Type Ib
Discovered the 2012/03/14.450 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton at V = 14.0 - CBET 3052

Field of NGC 4790 and SN2012au (near the nucleus). Logarithm display. (exposure 8 x 600 s - V = 14.0)

SN 2012aw in Messier 95

 R.A. = 10h43m53s.72, Decl. = +11°40'17".7 - Type IIP
Discovered by Paolo Fagotti (Italy) and Jure Skvarc (Slovenia) -
CBET 3054

SN2012aw image the 24.9/03/2012 - Lumicon Deep-Sky Filter + IR-cut - 18 x 300 s.

Color image of M95 field and SN2012aw taken with a FSQ-85ED refractor. 25.05/03/2012 - Castanet-Tolosan Observatrory - Christian Buil (exposure = 12 x 600 s - V = 13.0) (exposure = 10 x 600 s - V = 13.0) (exposure = 16 x 600 s - V = 13.2) (exposure = 11 x 600 s - V = 13.4) (exposure = 10 x 600 s - V = 13.4) (exposure = 9 x 600 s - V = 13.5)

 SN 2012bm in UGC 8189

R.A. = 13h05m45s.66, Decl. = +46°27'52".9 (equinox 2000.0) - Type Ia
Discovered by T. Puckett and J. Newton ( at mag 17.1) on an unfiltered CCD image taken with a 0.40-m reflector
at Portal, AZ, U.S.A., on Mar. 27.245 UT, in UGC 8189 (UAI 3077)

Image of SN2012bm taken the 31.08 / 03 / 2012 - FSQ-85ED refractor (D= 0.085 m). 7 x 300 sec. exposure. C Buil

Very faint 2D trace spectrum of SN2012bm taken the 29.945 / 03 / 2012 with a C11 telescope (D=0.28) a LISA spectrograph at R= 1000 and a 13 x 600 s exposure (suburban condition). SN mag. V=17.1.

The extracted spectral nearly at the detection limit for the March 29.9, 2012 date. (exposure = 13 x 600 s) - V = 17.1) 

 SN 2012cg in NGC 4424

R.A. = 12h27m12s.83, Decl. = +09°25'13".2 (equinox 2000.0) - Type Ia
Discovered by Lick Observatory Supernova Search ( at mag 17.9) (CBET 3111) (exposure = 5 x 600 s) - V = 12.8 (exposure = 4 x 600 s) - V = 12.2 


SN 2012ec in NGC 1084

R.A. = 02h45m59s.89, Decl. = -07°34'25".0 (equinox 2000.0) - Type IIP
Discovered 2012/08/11.039 by Berto Monard at V = 14.5 - CBET 3201  

LISA spectrograph guiding camera - 35 microns slit - Castanet-Tolosan obs.

2D spectrum image of supernova SN2012ec and galaxie NGC 1084 (note presence of numerous HII emission lines). 15.0/09/2012 (cumulative integration time: 6 x 600 sec.). (exposure = 6 x 600 s) - V = 13.8

 SN 2012et in MCG +04-5547

R.A. = 23h42m38s.82, Decl. = +27°05'31".5 (equinox 2000.0) - Type Ia
Discovered 2012/09/12.057 by D. Rich at V = 16.9 - CBET 3227  

SN2012et field. 60 sec. exposyre with LISA guidong camera (an Atik314L model)

2D spectrum of SN2012et and host galaxy. 14.98 / 09 / 2012 - Total exposure 11 x 600 sec.

Measured redshift for host galaxy (from Halpha emission): z = 0.0225 (exposure = 11 x 600 s) - V = 16.5

 SN2012fr in NGC 1365 (PSN J03333599-3607377)

R.A. = 03h33m36.1s, Decl. = -36°07'34" (equinox J2000.0) - Type Ia (see CBET No. 3275)
Discovered by A. Klotz (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie, France) at R mag about 15.6 +/- 0.3 on 2012 Oct. 27.05
using public images of the 0.25m robotic telescope TAROT La Silla observatory, Chile.
Discovery images here

Image from the LISA spectrograph guidance camera (Atik314L, stack of 2x 60 sec. exposure) and of the 2D spectrum (stack of 14 x 300 sec. exposure - Atik460EC CCD camera).
Observation is complex from Castanet-Tolosan observatory (south of France) because the maximum elevation above the horizon is only 7°.
Also, the artificial light pollution is severe from the observatory and the date correspond to full moon period (see conditions here).

Spectra of SN2012fr in NGC 1365 (the atmospheric extinction is corrected by observation of star HD38170).

Download SN spectrum: (exposure = 14 x 300 s - slit 35 microns) - R = 14.0
Download SN spectrum: (exposure = 12 x 300 s - slit 35 microns) - R = 12.2
Download SN spectrum: (exposure = 22 x 300 s - slit 23 microns) - R = 12.2
Download SN spectrum: (exposure = 13 x 300 s - slit 23 microns) - R = 12.4

See also:
Alain Klotz page
ARAS special page
