SN 2014G in NGC 3448
(PSN J10543413+5417569)
Coordinates: R.A. = 10h54m34s.13, Decl. = 54°17'56".9 (equinox 2000.0) - Type IIn

Discovered in galaxy NGC 3448, the 2014/01/14.317 by Koichi Itagaki (CBET 3787),

Guiding image of SN2014G field. Alpy 600 on FSQ10ED refractor - 19 microns slit.

FQ106ED refractor direct image. 4 x 300 sec. - QSI-583 CCD camera.

 Spectrum of SN2014G the January 21, 2014 at V = 10.6

Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED refractor + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns sliit) (LISA spectrograph) - V = 14.6

SN 2014J in Messier 82
(PSN J09554214+6940260)
Coordinates: R.A. = 9h55m42s.14, Decl. = 69°40'26".0 (equinox 2000.0) - Type Ia

Discovered in galaxy NGC 3032 (Messier 82) by Stephen J. Fossey, University of London Observatory (ULO),
University College, on on Jan. 21.805 UT (CBAT Electronic Telegram No. 3792). Many pre-discovery images are available.

Note intense absorption by dust.

Halpha emission in M82

Guiding image of SN2014J field. Alpy 600 on FSQ10ED refractor - 19 microns slit.

 Spectrum of SN2014J the January 31.1, 2014 at V = 10.6 (Alpy 600 - binning 1x1)

 Spectrum of SN2014J the February 2.9, 2014 at V = 10.5 (Alpy 600 - binning 2x2)

Spectrum of SN2014J the February 5.85, 2014 at V = 10.6 (Alpy 600 - binning 2x2)

Spectrum of SN2014J the February 6.02, 2014 at V = 10.6 (Alpy 600 - binning 2x2)

Spectrum of SN2014J the February 16.975, 2014 at V = 10.6 (Alpy 600 - binning 2x2) 

 Spectrum of SN2014J the February 21.878, 2014 at V = 11.3 (Alpy 600 - binning 2x2) 

Spectrum of SN2014J the February 22.906, 2014 at V = 11.3 (C11 - + Lhires III 600 l/mm (binning 2x2) - fusion of two 6 x 600 sec. exposure (green and red part)) 

Spectrum of SN2014J the March 2.046, 2014 at V = 11.5 (C11 + Alpy600)

Spectrum of SN2014J the March 10.060, 2014 at V = 12.1 (FSQ106ED + Alpy600)

Spectrum of SN2014J the March 10.793, 2014 at V = 12.1 (C11 + Alpy600) 


Spectrum of SN2014J the March 12.792, 2014 at V = 12.3 (C11 + Alpy600) 

Spectrum of SN2014J the March 23.847, 2014 at V = 12.3 (C11 + Alpy600) 

Spectrum of SN2014J the April 6.900, 2014 at V = 12.4 (C11 + Alpy600) 

Spectrum of SN2014J the April 8.837, 2014 at V = 12.4 (C11 + Alpy600)  

Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED refractor + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 10.6
Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED refractor + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 10.5
Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED refractor + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 10.6 
Download SN spectrum: (CN212 reflector + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 10.6
Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 10.6
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 11.3
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Lhires III spectrograph (600 lines/mm grating - 35 microns slit)) - V = 11.3
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit) )- V = 11.5
Download SN spectrum: (FSQ106ED + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.1
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.1 
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.3
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.3
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.4
Download SN spectrum: (C11 + Alpy 600 spectrograph (19 microns slit)) - V = 12.4

SN 2014L in Messier 99
(PSN J12184868+1424435)
Coordinates: R.A. = 12h18m48s.68, Decl. = +14°24'43".5 (2000.0)

Discovered 2014/01/26.830 by THU-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS) in M99 (= NGC 4254). See CBET 3795 - Type Ic

Guiding image (03/ 02 / 2014) at V = 15.4

Extracted spectrum

Comparison with a Padova-Asiogo Spernova Group spectrum - See:

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