Beta Lyrae stars

Beta Lyrae is an
eclipsing interacting binary star. Beta Lyrae is the prototype of this class of eclipsing binaries. Every 12.938 days it drops from 3.3 to 4.3 magnitude (the period evolve).  The secondary minimum is about magnitude  3.8.

The primary star of this close binary is classified as a giant of type B7Ve and probably has about twice the mass of the Sun. The secondary star seems to be largely invisible even though it appears to be far more massive with about 12 times the Sun's mass. The  secondary is probably concealed at least partially by a thick, opaque torus of matter orbiting and spiraling into it.

Helium lines are very variables and this variations are related to phase. Ha variability can presumable be explained by the fact that the secondary component (B-star with thick disc) is being covered by the B6 star and that only the continuum intensity is varying due to the eclipsing process.

A list of bright Beta Lyrae type stars (m<6):

      HD      Star           R.A.         Dec.      Mag. range     Period (J)   Spec.

  4502   Zeta And       00 47 21    +24 16 06     3.92-4.14     17.7695     K1II-III
 39220   31 Cam         05 54 58    +59 53 19     5.12-5.29      2.9332     A0IV-V
 42933   Delta Pic      06 10 18    -54 58 08     4.65-4.90      1.6725     B3III+O9V
 57060   29 CMa         07 18 40    -24 33 32     4.84-5.33      4.3934     O7Ia:fp+OB
 61429   PU Pup         07 38 18    -25 21 53     4.69-4.75      2.5789     B9
 65818   V Pup          07 58 14    -49 14 42     4.35-4.92      1.4545     B1Vp+B3:
124195   V716 Cen       14 13 40    -54 37 32     5.96-6.52      1.4901     B5V
135876   GG Lup         15 18 56    -40 47 16     5.49-6.00      2.1642     B7V
181615   Upsilon Sgr    16 21 43    -15 57 18     4.53-4.61     137.939     B8pI:+O9V
151890   Mu 1 Sco       16 51 52    -38 02 50     2.94-3.22      1.4463     B1.5V+B6.5V
174638   Beta Lyr       18 50 05    +33 21 46     3.25-4.36     12.8380     B8II-IIIep
185507   Sigma Aql      19 39 12    +05 23 52     5.14-5.34      1.9502     B3V+B3V
199603   DV Aqr         20 58 42    -14 28 58     5.89-6.25      1.5755     F0IV
216200   14 Lac         22 50 22    +41 57 13     5.91-5.98     10.0750     B3IV:eaV

Beta Lyrae observations

Reciprocal dispersion of 4 A/pixel


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