S-Type stars
S-type stars are cool giants
which show evidence of bands of ZrO in their spectra (4641A, 4620A,
5304A, 5379A, 5551A). The TiO bands are also visibles and some time,
strong hydrogen emission lines due to shock waves in pulsating atmosphere.
This stars are often variables of many type. The Mira-type is the
major population.
A list of bright S stars:
Name R.A.
Dec. Mv
224960 W
Cet 00 02 07.4 -14 40 30 7.1
S5-7/1.5-3e 4350 U
Cas 00 46 21.4 +48 14 42 8.0
S5/3e 4489 RW
And 00 47 18.9 +32 41 19 7.9
S6/2e 4895 RR
And 00 51 23.5 +34 22 39 8.4
S6/3e 5840 V365 Cas
01 00 53.1 +56 36 46 8.0 S6/3
01 14 04.4 +28 31 48 6.6
S3/2 7769 S
Cas 01 19 42.1 +72 36 41 7.9
S4,6e 14028 W
And 02 17 33.0 +44 18 20 6.7
S7/1e 22649 BD Cam 03
42 09.4 +63 13 25 5.1 S4/2 29147
T Cam 04 40 08.8
+66 08 48 7.3 S6/5e 29704
39 23.6 -30 27 13 8.5 S:
30959 Omi 1 Ori 04 52 31.5 +14
15 05 5.2 S3/1 RZ
Lep 05 18 46.0 -22 12 39 8.3
S4/4 35155 V1261 Ori 05
22 18.4 -08 40 04 7.0 S4,1
37536 NO Aur 05
40 41.9 +31 55 17 6.7 M2S
40101 05
55 35.4 -28 57 04 7.8 S
49368 06
48 22.8 +05 32 35 8.5 S3/2
51610 R Lyn 07
01 17.9 +55 20 02 7.2 S5/5e
53791 R Gem 07
07 21.1 +22 42 17 6.0 S5/5
56567 RR Mon 07
17 32.0 +01 05 40 8.4 M7Se:
61913 07
42 03.4 +14 12 59 5.8 M3S
63334 T Gem 07
49 18.2 +23 44 02 8.0 S4/4e
63733 07
49 45.8 -19 00 21 8.5 S4/3
64332 NQ Pup 07
53 05.3 -11 37 31 7.6 S5/2
70276 V Cnc 08
21 42.8 +17 17 03 7.5 S3/6e
96360 11
07 52.5 +68 21 59 8.4 M3
97393 BI Hya 11
12 13.1 -32 25 37 6.5 S
110813 U Ma 12
43 56.2 +61 05 35 7.4 S3/6e
127226 R Cam 14
17 50.9 +83 49 57 7.9 S4/4e
Sco 17 03 31.2 -36 55 14 7.0
S7,2 170970 V463 Lyr 18
30 36.3 +36 15 12 7.6 S3/1
176592 ST Sgr 19
01 28.9 -12 45 32 7.6 S6/3e
Aql 19 15 23.7 -07 02 55 7.8
S6/6e 180196 T Sgr
19 16 14.4 -16 58 11 7.7
S5/6e 185456 R Cyg 19
36 49.1 +50 11 59 6.5 S6/6e
187796 Chi Cyg 19 50 33.8 +32
54 51 3.3 S7/1.5e 188339 19
56 10.9 -38 19 12 6.6 S
191226 20
07 25.2 +36 34 24 7.4 M1S-M3SIIIa
191589 20
09 28.2 +33 40 39 7.7 S:
195763 Z Del 20
32 39.1 +17 27 06 8.3 S4/2e
Cyg 20 38 52.4 +37 53 20 8.2
S5/6e 199799 20
57 53.1 +44 47 20 8.0 MS
211610 X Aqr 22
18 39.1 -20 54 04 7.5 S6,3e:
216672 HR Peg 22 54 35.3 +16 56 39 6.5
S4/1 218634 57 Peg
23 09 31.9 +08 40 31 5.4 M4S