September 9, 1985, Association T60 is created (24 inch telescope of Pic du Midi observatory). I become the president about it. The document below is historical. It is the first page of the first payroll of the adherent members of the AT60. One learns there that the first member is Eric Thouvenot, one from those which worked at the time of the first hours of the CCD, in company of Richard Szczepaniak, who is also on this list. Some, astronomers amateurs still very active in France, will be found on this document. Others became eminent professionals. One discovers there the name of Philippe Dupouy who will be, in company of Michel Meunier, the first amateur to discover a comet with a camera CCD, or that of Franck Vaissière, the current treasurer of AUDE (Association of User of Electronic Detector).

