

Spectrum of SN 2000P discovered by Robin Chassagne
(Saint Clotilde, Ile de la Reunion) on March 8.03, 2000 in
NGC 4965. The spectrum was obtained by Francois Colas with the 1.05-m
telescope at Pic du Midi observatory (dispersion of 23 A/pixel)
on March 10.05 UT, 2000. Left, the image, right, the raw spectrum
(VisualSpec and Iris processing). Calibrated
spectrum of SN 2000P (from a B9 star at same elevation - relative
intensity is show). The spectrum appear to be a type-II supernova.
The H-alpha in emission is clearly visible. Note a absorption feature
near 8120 A. The H-alpha measured wavelength is 6622 A (rest wavelength
of 6563 A), so, the recession velocity of the host galaxy is around
2700 km/s (+/- 1000 km/s). For
comparison, the spectrum taken the March 09, 2000 with the 1.5 m FLWO telescope.
Very similar structures are visibles (note the aspect of the continuum
and emission lines H-alpha and H-beta), but the spectral resolution
is here superior and the spectrum is less noisy.