600 spectrograph guiding image. CN212 telescope.
Atik314L+ CCD camere. 30
sec. exposure.
1.8 / 08 / 2013 - OHP
August 30.888, 2013 observation
Setup: CN212 telescope (0.20-m diameter)
+ Alpy 600 spectrograph (R = 7000 - 18 microns slit) + Atik460EX
CCD camera (bin. 2x2) - Data reduction : ISIS - Reference star: HD170479
Observatory: Observatoire
de Haute-Provence(France)
Christian Buil
V mag. = nearly 12.8
Exposure: 7
x 600 seconds
Download the spectrum : _ogle-2011-blg-1444_20130730_888_cbuil.fit
August 31.864, 2013 observation
Setup: CN212 telescope (0.20-m diameter)
+ Alpy 600 spectrograph (R = 7000 - 18 microns slit) + Atik460EX
CCD camera (bin. 2x2) - Data reduction : ISIS - Reference star: HD170479
Observatory: Observatoire
de Haute-Provence(France)
Christian Buil
V mag. = nearly 12.8
Exposure: 10
x 600 seconds
Download the spectrum : _ogle-2011-blg-1444_20130731_864_cbuil.fit
July 1.846, 2013 observation
Setup: CN212 telescope (0.20-m diameter)
+ Alpy 600 spectrograph (R = 600 - 23 microns slit) + Atik460EX
CCD camera (bin. 1x1) - Data reduction : ISIS - Reference star: HD170479
Observatory: Observatoire
de Haute-Provence (France)
Christian Buil
V mag. = nearly 12.8
Exposure: 12
x 600 seconds
Download the spectrum : _ogle-2011-blg-1444_20130801_846_cbuil.fit