NOVA SCUTI 2003 - V475 Sct

Discovered by Hideo Nishimura (Kakegawa, Shizuoka-ken, Japan) on T-Max films taken on August 28.58 (mag 8.5) with a Pentax 200-mm f/4.0 lens (see. IAU Circular 8190 & 8200). Localization of the nova (2000.0): RA = 18h49m37.59s - DEC = -09°33'50.3"

Journal of the observations




Spectral resolution

Total exposure

2.912 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor 



24 minutes

3.830 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor

MERIS (Vis + IR)


32 minutes

7.852 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor



22 minutes

13.817 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor

MERIS (Vis + IR)


40 minutes

14.869 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor



42 minutes

15.831 / 09 / 2003

4-inch refractor



106 minutes

16.847 / 09 / 2003

8-inch reflector



62 minutes

18.821 / 09 / 2003

8-inch reflector



98 minutes

19.822 / 09 / 2003

8-inch reflector



60 minutes

21.829 / 09 / 2003

8-inch reflector



52 minutes

25.845 / 09 / 2003

4 -inch refractor



30 minutes

10.793 / 10 / 2003

4-inch refractor



48 minutes

Note: All the spectra are corrected for the instrumental spectral response.

Sept. 2.912 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 8.7)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) -
MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD
Cumulative exposure time of 24 minutes (12 x 2 minutes)

Download 020903.DAT ASCII DATA

A 2D representation of Sep. 2 data:

Note: The presence of numerous P-Cyg profile (Na lines for example) and the presence of prominent Fe II series emissions ("Fe II" type nova - see classification of Williams (1992), AJ, 104, 725). For the date and this resolutio the H-alpha emission peak is 2.94 times the intensity of the nearby continuum at 6630 A.

Sept. 3.830 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 8.7)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) -
MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD + 6200 A order filter for the IR part of the spectrum.
Cumulative exposure time of 32 minutes (16 x 2 minutes)

Download 030903.DAT ASCII DATA

Note: The H-alpha emission peak is 6.52 times the intensity of the nearby continuum at 6630 A for this resolution. Note the increase of P-Cygnii profile for numerous lines.

Sept. 7.852 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.0)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) -
MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD + 6200 A order filter for the IR part of the spectrum.
Cumulative exposure time of 22 minutes (11 x 2 minutes)

Download 070903.DAT ASCII DATA

Note: The H-alpha emission peak is 8.71 times the intensity of the nearby continuum at 6630 A. Note the increase of P-Cygnii profile for numerous lines.

Sept. 13.817 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.0)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) - MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD + 6200 A order filter for the IR part of the spectrum.
Cumulative exposure time of 40 minutes (20 x 2 minutes)

Download 130903.DAT ASCII file 

Click here for a close look of this spectrum

Note: This spectrum cover an extended infrared domain. The H-alpha emission peak is 7.70 times the intensity of the nearby continuum at 6630 A for this spectral resolution. The intensity of H-alpha and H-beta lines decrease. The Ca II triplet is prominent in the infrared (8498.1, 8542.1 and 8662.2 A). The mean continuum is very "flat" after removal of the instrumental response.

Sept. 14.869 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.0)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) -
LHiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.2294 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0402ME CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 42 minutes (21 x 2 minutes)

Download 140903.DAT ASCII file 

Note: Measured FWHM = 1206 km/sec +/- 25 km/sec. FWZI (Full Width at Zero Intensity) = about 2580 km/sec. Telluric lines removed.

Sept. 15.831 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.2)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) -
LHiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.2294 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0402ME CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 106 minutes (53 x 2 minutes)

Download 150903.DAT ASCII file 

Note the fading of H-alpha line. Telluric lines are removed.

Sept. 16.847 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.2)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi CN-212 refractor (8-inch aperture) -
HiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.3805 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-1602E CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 62 minutes (31 x 2 minutes)

Download 160903.DAT ASCII file 

Sept. 18.821 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.2)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi CN-212 refractor (8-inch aperture) - HiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.3805 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-1602E CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 98 minutes (49 x 2 minutes)

Download 180903.DAT ASCII file

Sept. 19.822 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.2)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi CN-212 refractor (8-inch aperture) - HiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.3805 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-1602E CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 60 minutes (30 x 2 minutes)

Download 190903.DAT ASCII file

Sept. 21.829 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.5)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi CN-212 refractor (8-inch aperture) - HiRES spectrograph (sampling of 0.3805 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-1602E CCD.
Cumulative exposure time of 52 minutes (26 x 2 minutes)

Download 210903.DAT ASCII file

Sept. 25.845 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 9.8)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) - MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD
Cumulative exposure time of 30 minutes (15 x 2 minutes)

Download 250903.DAT ASCII file

October 10.793 UT 2003 Observation (estimated V magnitude: 10.0)

Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France) - IAU959
Observer: Christian Buil
Instrument: Takahashi FS-128 refractor (5-inch) - MERIS spectrograph (sampling of 2.87 A/pixel) + Audine KAF-0401E CCD
Cumulative exposure time of 48 minutes (24 x 2 minutes)

Download 101003.DAT ASCII file

Click here for a comparison of the spectra aspect along the time